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Home » Physical Therapy

Manufacturer: Graham-Field
Microwaveable Moist Heat Pad with MicroBeads™ Neck Wrap
Microwaveable Moist Heat Pad with MicroBeads™ Neck Wrap
Without electricity or added water, these reusable heat pads will produce moist heat using the convenience of a microwave oven. When heated in the microwave, the MicroBeads release their retained moisture, providing therapeutic moist heat. These amazing MicroBeads represent a major development in moist heat technology. Without wires or added water, MicroBeads will produce moist heat using the convenience of a microwave oven. MicroBeads are not made of gel, liquid or wheat and MicroBeads will not rupture, weak or eventually dry out. MicroBeads are designed to offer safety and convenience. When heated in the microwave, MicroBeads release their retained moisture, providing therapeutic moist heat. After the treatment, MicroBeads will absorb moisture back from the air, ready to be used again. With proper care, MicroBeads will give you effective Moist Heat repeatedly. The MicroBeads have been stitched into a soft fabric that is designed to allow the maximum release of moisture and is shaped to fit to the body¿s contours. Your Moist Heat Pad/Neck Pad includes a convenient, washable cover.

Item# 1967

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Price: $22.95

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